Visit from Paul Sturgess

20th June 2019

Thursday 20th June 2019

Basketball with Paul Sturgess

As we sat in Garnet Hall we had no idea what the assembly was about. As Paul stood up there were many gasps – he was tall, very tall! Paul introduced himself and told us he was 7foot 7 inches!! He is in the Guinness World Records for his height!

Paul is a basketball player and during the assembly he told us his achievements; playing for Harlem Globe Trotters and travelling the world was a huge achievement! Paul showed us videos of him and his teammates, we were mesmerised! He talked about how he is happy with who he is, even with being so tall and people staring at him. Paul came with an important message; that everyone is different and that is fine. He talked so enthusiastically about his sport and how we embrace our different sizes, cultures and races. We were all inspired by his talk and then he got some of us to the front of the hall to try some tricks!

We all wish we could have been at the front trying the tricks, but we were lucky enough to either have him visit our class and show us some more tricks and ask questions or we took part in workshops where we could try basketball and have a lot of fun. It was such a brilliant day for everyone, including our teachers!