Curriculum, Performance and Progress

Terms of Reference 

  • To have oversight of the curriculum intent, implementation and impact offer and ensure that it meets statutory requirements, including those for reporting
  • To ensure that all learners receive a broad and balanced, inclusive curriculum in line with statutory requirements
  • To monitor school based, local and national performance data and evaluate achievement and progress drawing on data, the self- evaluation document and other reports.
  • To provide effective challenge on educational performance and academic progress of pupils to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children
  • To understand the needs of the school, particularly in relation to the Social, Emotional and Mental needs of pupils
  • To monitor the views of pupils on the curriculum offered by the school and on pupil progress and achievement and to evaluate the ways in which the school responds to pupil views
  • To monitor the views of parents and carers on the curriculum offered and on pupil progress and achievement, to provide feedback and to evaluate the ways in which the school actively responds to the views of parents and carers
  • To ensure that effective safeguarding procedures are in place across the school
  • To be assured that parents and carers receive the results of statutory tests, an annual report on learner’s educational achievements and relevant curriculum information about the school through the prospectus and website
  • To monitor and evaluate the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement
  • To monitor and evaluate the impact of the School Improvement plan and subject action plans
  • To monitor and evaluate pupil enrichment opportunities
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for resources and to make recommendations to the relevant committee(s) or the governing body
  • To monitor the progress of PP in line with the PP funding
  • To monitor the progress of the sports premium funding
  • To regularly review, publish and report on the special educational needs policy and information report; monitor provisions and ensure that statutory requirements are met
  • To monitor provision for looked after children and evaluate their progress
  • To monitor EAL provision and to ensure that the needs of children are met
  • To regularly review the assessment policy
  • To regularly review subject/teaching and learning policy and check that it’s appropriately resourced
  • To review, adopt and monitor the statutory policies and procedures related to the curriculum provision, behaviour, attendance and educational standards
  • To monitor pupil behaviour and attendance
  • To recommend targets for school improvement to senior leaders
  • Review the policy and provision for Relationships, Health Education including providing information to parents and make recommendations where necessary
  • To monitor how well the main features of the schools' pastoral arrangements help safeguard and promote the welfare of children
  • To monitor, review and evaluate the school's website ensuring that it is update and compliant with all areas directly linked to the Curriculum, Performance and Progress Committee.