Art Experience at Nature in Art

1st March 2017

Art Experience at Nature in Art

By Honey and Casey-May, Year 5                                                       

Recently we took part, along with other schools, in an Art Experience at Nature in Art. The first time was amazing because we got to visit the beautiful garden. There were metal sculptures and decorations with amazing patterns in the garden. Our favourites were the Golden Eagle and the Whale’s Tail. We used these models to inspire our paintings.

We painted on huge canvases in the style of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who did not like straight lines. He liked vibrant colours, swirls and dancing patterns. It looked like our whole painting was dancing.

We enjoyed doing the mosaics, although the glue was very smelly. Also we coloured patterns and shapes on lolly sticks. It was fun learning to draw with charcoal. In our last session, it was fascinating to paint with watercolour on laminates and we were amazed with the art that we produced.

Our artwork, together with other particiapting schools’ artwork, will be displayed to the public at: Gloucester Cathedral from Wednesday, May 24th 2017, running through half term.

Please come, see and get inspired by the amazing artwork exhibited!